
Four Ways To Choose Topic By [Yourself] - Blogger Tips RQ

Four Ways To Choose Topic By Yourself
Four Ways To Choose Topic By Yourself
How do you find interesting topic of your blog?

      You ask question yourself.

Do you know about your passion?

Most of the beginners blogger want to make career in blogging then the first challenge is that how to identify my passion. All the beginner blogger know that passion is very important factor in blogging without passion you cannot do blogging long time.

For example,

You know that 2 million blog creates on search engine everyday there write two and three post leave blogging.

So, can you say?  Are they blogger or not?

Absolutely, they are not blogger. Because they don't know own passion.

Any blogger can't share experience and knowledge of his interest. Then it is very difficult to become blogger.

Suppose you have interest in any topic and you share knowledge and experience with your audience Then passion helps to you express in full detail about your topic.

If you write to blog by passion then you will not be any tension pressure and depression because you are not writing for gain instant traffic and make money only.

Here, money is not big factor to do blogging as compared to passion. 

 when anybody start blogging then they  don't get  money by blogging and initial phase of blogging  is very difficult and  very toughest  phase in blogging carrier.

  • First I learn new things

When I made a blog, i all time spend learn for new thing about blogging.

I understand step by step the process of blogging and factors (such as SEO, social media, content writing etc.) I feel that I enjoy all time in blogging.

 I forget the time and most of those things in external world when I do to blogging.  Blogging is not always published your post and write article all the time.

You can also care on the point that I published 2nd blog post after 5 months as compared to first post. On that time, I was learning how should write attractive Blog post and SEO.

 I learn new things everyday in blogging.

You can also read this post How TO Enable HTTPS in blogger

  • Second I focus most of time, what want I read or learn topics?

I spend lots of time learning SEO and content writing.
 I strongly observe of all professional blogger.

How to start first line his content?

How to give attractive introduction about own topic?

How to make SEO sites and page very well?

How to think unique and different content as compared to other blogger?

How to understand readers mind’s that they want get solution of his problems?

This type of creative questions automatically created my minds and everyday research and learn deeply about this things which is strongly engage with blogging.

For example,

If you want to write content for reader and you mention all types of fact, example, logic, compare and contrast technique and conclusion.

But can you think? These types of article also provide by Wikipedia.

So, what is the reason that most of the reader do not go to Wikipedia.

Because Wikipedia provide lots of information related to your topic as like robot.

 They have no any emotion. Its means that I feel how will robot understand my problems.

 But professional blogger understand the problems of readers. you will also thinking right now how to pro blogger write article More attractive as compared to Wikipedia and another blogger.

Pro blogger always write blog content but they focus totally conversational writing.

 All professional blogger in the world know this primary technique but beginners blogger don't know about this technique.

 That is the biggest reason, 80% beginners blogger fail in his blogging career without use this technique.

  •   Third how to find your interesting topics for blogs?

Any blogger face very difficulties for find right topics. Actually most of the time they confused to choose trending topics or interesting topics, right.

For example,

Technology topics are very trending but Blogger take interest free SMS blog, okay.


  They cannot take any decision about topic.

Now what,

He should to do what read most of the time on Internet.

What want to learn from blog and spend lots of time?

Suppose, you are expert in free sms blogging and you are also zero and Technology blogging.


 What will be the after sometime, you can gain lots of traffic and help to The Reader by heart and reader also believe on you.

On the other hand, you will not write Technology content easily because you don't interest in Technology blog. You will leave blogging after 5 to 6 months.

What is better for you?

I am also choose topic by this vision.  I have written about my interest above the content which I read.

 In short, I love read SEO, content writing, affiliate marketing, infographic and full blogging etc.

  If I stand instead of you and you like another topic which is not trending but interesting then I also do blogging on interesting topic.

 Because Love is very powerful as compared to Money.

Most of the beginners blogger do big mistake, he cannot give to himself clear cut answer, right.

They think that topic should be highly and interesting because highly topic give lots of traffic. But you should to understand Presentation of your blog post decide how many people like and share post, right.

You can try to understand in detail, all blogger did not create Technology but they find information from primary and secondary source(such as Wikipedia and wikihow etc) and representation of post content again with suitable languages, images, video and emotions in blog post with same information. So if you are smart blogger then all time you will represent content post from Good to better and better to best. This will be only possible by creative thinking.

  • Fourth which are the areas good for beginner blogger?

Some topics area is broad but mainly your potential depends which topic area good for you.  You ask some question yourself.

Does the topic have long term? Such as 5 months, 1 year, 2 years, and 5 years.

Are you able to target large audience with your topic?

How much competition is there based on your topic?  You can consider newspaper, newsletter, TV shows, YouTube channel, Facebook page and other content.

How to make your blog content more different?
Engaging, entertaining, interactive or appealing.

Now what,

 You should consider Public Interest, its longevity and your knowledge of the topic and also see its competition. You develop and improve the topic and represent in front of audience that should be more different, unique and engaging.

Audience could easily understand what want you say in blog content. it is not more easy but challenging.

General blog interest

They are large possibilities for write more contain.You can write interest your daily basis like computer, software, swimming, racing, game, cooking, friendship, job, interview, teaching, comedy, about movies, travelling, talking, singing, dancing, writing, analysis of anything, play, about animals, marketing, sailing and books etc.

You can't ignore it. Actually, you will thinking how might traffic get from general interest.

But it is totally depends upon your potential. Because lots of person also does blogging on general interest and they are very happy. How is it possible?

Right, your content must be unique because reader always wants to read different and detail content.

 Don’t worry, if you are not expert in any topic but it is more necessary to passionate about it.

 you don't choose the topic which have less or little knowledge because reader easily understand that you have not enough knowledge and experience related to your topics 

  and also have not interest or serious on it. They also don't take any interest on your topic.

Therefore, you choose a topic carefully with interest.

 Now what,

 After you choosing topic, you create some ideas about your content. lots of traffic automatically attract towards new idea in content.

Personal blog

Most of the blogger write content on variety topic for entertaining. They don't cover a specific topic like SEO, books, affiliate, social media, content marketing and digital marketing etc. It means that you are own blog and you can decide to write any topic.

For example,

suppose, your blogger are not personal and you always right on Microsoft then you cannot write on any topic like funny, humor, jokes, entertaining and other kinds of blogging parts, right.

Now what,

 You are own Boss on personal blog and you can easily engage with audience. Any reader easily explains his problem related to his personal life and blogging careers.

I am not say that you will do blogging on multiple topics I am only say first you take a single topic and then try to write completely on a specific topic.

After sometime, you can change the topic if you want be. But you care your audience.

I take a help of compare and contrast technique which help to choose single or multiple topic.
What are you decide about your topic.

Hobby or Special interest blog

Many blogger have achieved incredible success in specific topic that is more passionate on topic and their hobby.

Suppose you are expert in data marketing, Internet marketing, entertaining, gossipy, fashion, teaching, coding knowledge, mobile review or hardware.


 You have unique Idea, knowledge and experience on specific topic as like given above the line. You can share this idea by blog and help to lots of persons who want to help.

You will do more enjoy with interesting hobby and engage Reader by your blog topic.

You can easily solve the problem which related to your topics. This content should be quality and relevancy that audience easily attracts towards your blog.

Industrial topics

You can also write about industries topic. Much time you focus research, news, trends and industrial gossip. It is broad range and may give service long term to audience.

Most of the time you prepare report on industrial brake thoughts.

Most of the blogger analysis industry report and service give his point of view by blog and you may also provide information on every industrial part.


You should try to write any topic only for discover interesting topic. The very important thing is that you will be able to write on any topic. your writing will be full depends on your blog.

you never do blogging long time without practices of writing.
you will choose those topic which you spend lots of time to read.

so, you keep some patience to choose and write on the topic.

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I am sujit kr. prasad and i am doing blogging by passion. I want to helps all beginners bloggers. I also share experience through blogging.If you like this article, you will comment below the comment box. thanks for read this article. I will be happy when you will say about post content and You can also give advice that how can improve my post content.